On Fri, 1 Nov 2002 11:07:53 +0530 (IST) Philip S Tellis philip@konark.ncst.ernet.in wrote:
On Fri, 1 Nov 2002, Nagarjuna G. wrote:
we need to find a solution of this kind. Is their an option? I didnt see?
It is there in privacy options - Show member addrs so they're not directly recognizable as email addrs?
we have it turned on for all our lists.
The problem is with mail clients. Look at the second line of my post. The email address is there and will be there in the archives as part of my message's body.
Each of us will have to tell our MUAs not to do that - rather impractical. Or there'll have to be a pattern recog that's run on all messages and systematically obscures all email-address-like patterns. Somewhat practical, but who'll supply the computing power?
We gotta strengthen our filtering rules now.