How can booting problem be resolved in ubuntu 10.04 which uses grub2?
I tried solving it using supergrub disk on a usb device but sgd was not able to write to the mbr correctly and the error continued.Had to always plugin the sgd usb to bootup and manually select the options to boot each time.
I believe menu.lst is not available for ubuntu10.04 as it uses grub2 which uses a dynamically generated grub.conf file under /boot/grub --otherwise menu.lst could be edited and the problem solved
Since i am using a dell laptop the 3rd option of changing the detection mode of the HDD under bios setup is not possible. The detection option is not present in the bios and the hdd specs seem to be written permanently into the bios firmware.
I had to install ubuntu9.04 on another partition to create a newer grub menu. Then after manually logging in to ubuntu 10.04 i had to edit the configuration file of the grub menu of the 9.04 partition --ie. /boot/grub/menu.lst to resolve the issue of booting automatically using the latest updated kernel.
So is there any better way to resolve error 21 in ubuntu10.04? The earlier ubuntu installation disks had some options for creating a bootable disk if the grub bootloader was overwritten by windows or some other fault. Both 9.04 and 10.04 installation CDs do not have that rescue option now.
TIA Kussh