I created an export called:
/data/acct @linux_ALL(rw,sync,wdelay,root_squash,anonuid=65534,anongid=65534)
From what I read, by using root_squash. Root shouldn't be allowed to browse the directories and read the data under the mount. Unless it was somehow given explicit permission to.
When I mount that export from another machine, as root on that machine, I can browse all of the folders. The root accounts between machines have different passwords.
Any insight as to how I can stop a external root user gaining access to my NFS mount I would appreciate it.
Best Regards, Nainil Chheda. Founder, Proprietor eLiteral - A Web Hosting Co. ---------------------------- http://services.eliteral.com/ http://order.eliteral.com/ http://domains.eliteral.com/ ----------------------------
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