2007/5/27, Vihan Pandey vihanpandey@gmail.com:
Ubuntu does package some non free drivers, but its creator also funds the creation of free drivers and is also a strong proponent of the same.
Are you absolutely sure about it? If it is true it would be wonderful. Can you give some reference (may be a blog post of his or something like that)
It would be absolutely wonderful when those drivers are ready and become part of not just Ubuntu but of the entire distro Universe :-)
It would be wondeful if he start doing what he preaches. Wouldn't you feel it is hipocrite of him to talk about Free Software when he does not release the software he develops as Free Software (the entire launchpad infrastructure is proprietory). If he thinks Free Software is the right way to go why isn't he releasing launchpad as Free Software?
Cheers Praveen