On Feb 19, 2008 6:30 PM, niraj@efyindia.com wrote:
Here's some great news that I (on behalf of the Linux For You team) wanted to share with all of you...
The Gist...
Top 20 winners for FOSS India Awards were finalised on 15th of Feb during Open Source India Week's Delhi edition. NRCFOSS sponsored these awards by taking care of the prize money, which is Rs 5 lakh-- where each winner will get Rs 25,000!
Here's what M.R. Rajagopalan, director, NRCFOSS, shad to say w.r.t. the awards, "Through such incentives, NRCFOSS expects to stimulate young minds, encourage innovative contributions to the FOSS ecosystem and address the digital divide."
Complete details about the awards announcement can be had at: http://www.efytimes.com/efytimes/24867/news.htm
<snippet from the announcement>
Here is the complete list of the winners:
- KDE 3.5 Hindi
who took the award for this?