On Wednesday 02 June 2010 06:44:56 Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
I have been invited by one of the more pro-active engineering and manufacturing associations of the country to present a paper on the role of open source in helping our country compete with the best in the world. This is a great opportunity, because normally hard core manufacturers and industrialists have no exposure to such things. I do not have too much experience in these areas and request everyone to give inputs on this so I could make a dent in this sector.
ERP CRM Materials management HRM
Which is stating the obvious, being general requirements of any business. But when you do it with floss you save huge amounts of money on every front. FLOSS also enables using additional services, whose benefits cant be quantified immediately. Eg. mobility services - nobody missed it until they started using it.
So you save on the costs of 1) OS 2) Productivity tools 3) Antivirus 4) voip, chat, email and mobility services 5) expensive cisco routers, firewalls and bandwidth optimisation software. 6) PKI infrastructure 7) HA facilities 8) Databases
Most organisations are not even aware of their wastage on 4 and 5. And completely unaware of their exposure due to 7 and 8.