On 9/13/07, Rony ronbillypop@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
Agnello George wrote:
HI I have a (website ) behind my filrewall, but cannot connect to it when my firewall is on , but when i stop my fire wall ( /etc/ini.d/iptables stop ) I am able to view my website.
There is a nice command line firewall utility http://rocky.eld.leidenuniv.nl/ called Arno's firewall.
It uses command line but you need not know the exact syntax for iptables. You only need to be clear in your firewall concept. Go through the documentation. You need to edit a pre-edited config file in plain English. It is intuitive and easy to set up. The utility will then translate your settings into iptables. First try it out on a testing machine before deploying it.
I solved the problem , fedora ( core 6 ) has a comman called "system-config-securitylevel" i issued the this command #system-config-securitylevel ( entre ) you will get the following screen.
choose -------> customise
then choose www ( https) service
save anf restart IPtables
even editing iptables manually would work : iptables -A INPUT –p TCP --dport 80 --syn -m limit --limit 5/second -j ACCEPT