At 10:36 PM 7/1/01 +0530, Philip wrote:
Sometime Today, Q u a s i assembled some asciibets to say:
At 04:33 PM 6/29/01 +0000, Nikhil Karkera wrote:
An MP3 file is just a compressed WAV file.
err. IMHO WAV -> MP3 is more than just plain compression. A lot of sophisticated techniques are used to decide which data is redundant
But at a higher level of abstraction, MP3 is a compressed Wav. Nothing wrong with the original statement, it's just at a different level of abstraction.
Mr. Philip, At a still higher lever of abstraction a MP3 is just a file, if it comes to that. And, I did not mean that the "orignal" statement was wrong - just that it may have been a wee bit misleading and wanted to add another "level" of clarity. A whole lot of things happen to the WAV data before it is compressed at the end. Therefore my statement - "is more than _just_plain_ compression. But I gratefully thank you for bringing to my notice the "other level" of abstraction.
regards, quasi