in the last mail JTD echoed my thoughts very well. even I mentioned that installing a software once in a few months (not like in a few days needed under m$) is a totally different issue than using it daily. I don't claim that every one will directly use or should use assembly language for their daily work, even I don't. but the point is that my customer has paied me enough money and expects the best possible solution which is definately not M$ except for accounting and extreme gaiming. and I know even the tally accounting software has so many buggs but no one has come ahead to test the turbo cash software which roni pointed out long back. I did check it out and it is really very much suited for indian markets. unfortunately it has been developed in delfi and may not be easy to port to gnu/linux. but the interface and functionality can be studied never the ness. coming back to the point, I had said long back on this thread that there are some difference in functionality of free software which are better replacements for propriatory softwares. and that has exactly happened the same way as far as open office is concerned. we now know that the option from the menu does the work which roni expected so that's not a bug. it is just that the same functionality is interface wise done differently. and guess what? not a single person except roni clicked the toolbar button for sorting. probably this proves the fact that free softwares like open office are done with huge amount of research about human interface and design. may be most people sort data from that option in the menu and only quick sorts are made by the toolbar and this is the way majority of the people did. this is not to say that roni is stupid. but just to say that open office in this case implemented a feature and kept it in a place where most people are likely to search. and that is why most people got it right and could never reproduce the same effect as roni had. regards, Krishnakant.