Feeling and expressing feeling are two different things. I think I _must_ help express the vision, mission and other statements. (with everyone's nod off-course).
As far as projects go it will be wise to have graded projects ... that add up with difficulty. The way CS is taught in colleges, code generally gets unweildy after a few hundered lines. *I have been thru that*
We will also need to offer students a lot of resources where they could learn a lot more-while we guide them when things go bad. Good programming I guess is always self-taught.
I have a Content Management System in mind built initially with PHP as a project. Good CMSs cost more than USD 10,000. I even had a talk with RMS about getting integrating this with GNUe, but it went all naught. As of now me and a few of my friends are helping me out... but with the kind of features I am thinking of adding-this will be one *HUGE* project.
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