Sometime Today, linuxdev assembled some asciibets to say:
thats an highly inefficient solution at best. Besides if i change my
Actually, it's more efficient than a heuristic scanner. Your host still needs to do a host name lookup - this way it's faster, since it gets a response from your own hosts.conf file. also, there's no processing done (except for the fact that your webserver gets hit a lot).
setup or lose the built up list its all gone. Heuristic scanners such
I've found that I don't need to change the list that I got from the site. I haven't seen an advt in all the months that I've used it.
as these are perfect for on-the-fly removal of ads. At absolutely no
On-the-fly -> too much processing required.
pain or modification to any damn file. The program itself hardly has
You have to install it don't you? It's easier to do cat newhosts >> /etc/hosts.conf
any overhead and doesn't introduce any kind of latency in browsing.
it does. there's overhead in starting a new process, and in running that. the hosts method doesn't have that issue.