On 9/7/07, Rony ronbillypop@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
Hello All,
An OO user in Windows is facing some problems with Spreadsheet. He uses the .xls format.
Problem 1: His file consists of many rows and columns. Cells in each row are related to each other. Now in Excel he can sort columns individually and during each sorting, entire rows get sorted. So after every sort, the cells in each row are the same. It is the entire row that gets sorted. In OO he can sort columns but it sorts cells in that column only and this breaks the row and ultimately the table cells get cross connected.
I seldom use spreadsheets but this looks like a bug to me. I am using OO2.0
Problem 2: In Excel, he can secure a file but allow partial changes like changing the cell background colour. This is needed as his job status indicator is colour coded as the job progresses. His employees can only change colours as they progress with the job. In OO he can secure a file but it is like ON/OFF. Once secure, no partial changes are allowed.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Does this help?
From OO2.0 help:
Protecting Sections in OpenOffice.org Writer Any section of a OpenOffice.org Writer text document can be protected against changes with a password.
This protection is not intended to be a secure protection. It is just a switch to protect the section against accidential changes.
Turning on protection Select the text. Choose Insert - Section - Section, then under Write protection mark the Protect and With password check boxes. (If the section already exists: Format - Sections.) Enter and confirm a password of at least 5 characters. Turning off protection Choose Format - Sections - Section and under Write protection clear the Protect check box. Enter the correct password.
Protecting Cells in a OpenOffice.org Writer Table You can protect the contents of individual cells of a OpenOffice.org Writer text table from changes.
This protection is not intended to be a secure protection. It is just a switch to protect the cells against accidential changes.
Turning on protection Place the cursor in a cell or select cells. Right-click to open the context menu, then choose Cell - Protect. Turning off protection Place the cursor in the cell or select the cells. First, if necessary, choose Tools - Options - OpenOffice.org Writer - Formatting Aids and mark Cursor in protected areas - Enable. Then right-click the cell to open the context menu, choose Cell - Unprotect. Select the table in the Navigator, open the context menu and select Table - Unprotect. Use Shift+Ctrl+T to remove protection for the entire current table or all selected tables.