Ten ways to promote communication within a LUG: *********************************************************************** * Build a list of LUG speakers, and the topics they specialise on. * List readily available GNU/Linux software, where available, and under what terms it can be borrowed. * Set up your own website. * Mailing-lists play an important role for communicating between meetings. * List LUG members and contact details. * Try to get new LUG members to introduce themselves on the mailing list. * Expanding numbers is important * Report regularly on LUG meetings. This build bridges to those not present. * Plan for LUG meetings well in advance. Meetings with fixed agendas generally attract more people than vague, no-agenda meetings. * If nothing else works, trying to build more mini-LUGs in your area. You never know how many LUGs need to be set up to uncover hidden resources. [Compiled from various inputs by FN]