--- "Arun K. Khan" knura@yahoo.com wrote:
I have been trying to purchase a Class 2 Digital Certificate from MTNL Trust Line (http://mtnltrustline.com/products/online.htm) but no success.
In the evening hours webra.mntltrustline.com seems to be offline and during daytime I get to the agreement page, I accept the agreement but then get time outs. Problem is without an online pre-registration number one cannot send the paper form to MTNL. The help line numbers (toll and tool free) are busy whenever I call in.
Has anyone bought Class 2 Digital Certificate from MTNL Trust Line? If so, pls. let us know.
TIA, -- akk
Yes i have. around 8 of them. Can you go there personally? I am sure you know about the documents. The options you have are: 674/- in which the details will be emailed to you and you need to download and install the certificate.
option 2: 674 per certi + 1100 per usb dongle. They said upto 4 certis they can load on 1 dongle (so reduces your cost) Choice is yours.
Then u just plug in the dongle when they ask you and it takes care of the rest. Dealers/agents provide the same for 2650/- which includes the dongle.
I went there personally. Submitted all documents. And the fees. And got the stuff emailed to me in some days.
The office is at Malabar Hill Telephone Exchange. There is a Mr. Yadav who you may need to speak to. Not to be confused with Mr. Yadav who sits in the same office.
hope this helps -abhishek
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