I am using jedit 4.1 as a java editor on linux.
The following piece of code compiles well using the JCompiler plugin to give a class file.
import java.io.*;
class HelloWorld { public static void main(String args[]) { try { BufferedReader buf=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
String s=" ",s1=" "; System.out.print("Enter your string : "); s1=buf.readLine(); s+=s1; buf.close(); System.out.println("Your string is : "+s); } catch(Exception e){}
} }
However when i try to run this program thru java command of Console plugin of Jedit ,it hangs out and i do not get any o/p.
whn i try to run the same proram by java command line option of the generated class file it works well.
So in shrt can someone suggest how do i tweak jedit to run my program within jedit and not going to the command line.