SG Lists wrote:
On 10/15/05, Jayanta Chandra Chandra wrote:
Brijesh Mishra wrote:
Use *iptables*. You can also use a GUI based firewall configuration tool called *firestarter*. Use any search engine to more help on how to canfigure iptables and firestarter ( At first learn how to use google search (ever heard?). :-).
I wont recommend using just a GUI tool for firewall *iptables* configuration without knowing the basic of using *iptable* . Using GUI
iptable and iptables are not the very same software i think. ;-)
is very M$ Windoze way!! Lots of insecurity may be built in and would give a false sense of security in the firewall implementation.
As suggested earlier by Milind - go through the documentation at site. Read the fantastic tutorial of iptables from :
I totally agree with you :-)
Though it would seem difficult at first, two or three readings of the tutorial will get you going to write your own rules. Its pretty easy and logical. Also get on the netfilter mailing list to check out everyday problems of begginer users. this is a very Linux way of doing things which is akin to the saying - "I someone wants a fish, teach him how to fish. Then he will have a fish whenever he wants". Ofcourse, where to find the pond or river is the problem - google can help there :-)
I dont think we are here to discuss about fishing or something else =-O still you showed a good path 8-)
Happy firewalling
- Gunz
Jayanta Chandra Chandra E-mail: Phone No:(033)-24339769 Mobile No: 9330945886 Blog: