Poor old Inkscape ignited the flame of this intellectual war of two _worlds_ (Platforms); that is now going on a roller coaster ride and in some time, the warriors would totally forget why the war started but still keep fighting! :D
Ahem, coming to the point, shouldn't we rather channelise our energies towards making *all* these prominent platforms work together seamlessly, at least pointing to ways to achieve that objective? Well no matter how hard every linuxer tries, every computer user on earth won't shift to Linux!! Well I love my GNU box but to be frank I used Windoze without a single glitch since the last 4 yrs! Not a single reformat, reinstall, "virus epidemic" or any destructive maintenance operation for that matter! And I believe it will always be the same for my Linux box unless i remain utterly careless and ignorant about its functioning. So, thats the point. If well maintained, both these systems work to satisfactory level of efficiency.
Then, whats with this mile long thread? :-/
Regards :o)