If some one can provide me the wholly configured LTSP system then please can someone email me that stuff
One more thing when I run nfs-kernelserver the following output is seen
/etc/init.d/nfs-kernelserver: line 46: mountpoint: command not found. mount:nfsd already mounted or /proc/fs/nfsd busy mount: according to mtab;nfsd is already mounted on /proc/fs/nfsd Exporting directories for NFS Kernel daemon ..... done Starting NFS kernel daemon:nfsd mountd
contents of /etc/hosts.allow
portmap in.tftpd rpc.mountd mountd rpc.lockd lockd rpc.nfsd nfsd : LOCAL : ALLOW ssh sshd : ALL@ALL : ALLOW ALL : LOCAL : ALLOW ALL : ALL@ALL : DENY
bootpd: in.tftpd: 192.168.0. portmap: 192.168.0.
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