On Monday 18 May 2009 18:14:14 anusha k wrote:
GNUKhata is an upcoming project(actually soon to be released anytime after 5th June).The project is a complete free software to the likes of tally,accpack etc.The project was being developed on an voluntary basis and after the code base was developed NIXI (National Internet exchange of India ) funded it for dedicated development. The result of this funding has been that GNUKhata is in its alpha stage and can be used excluding two important modules balance sheet and profit & loss account which will be developed in the coming couple of weeks.you can visit http://gnukhata.gnulinux.in for further details.
I could not check out the software:
[lawgon@xlquest ~]$ svn co http://gnulinux.in/svn/trunk/gnukhata gnukhata svn: Repository moved temporarily to 'http://gnulinux.in/article/learning- subversionsvn'; please relocate [lawgon@xlquest ~]$ svn co http://gnulinux.in/article/learning- subversionsvn/trunk/gnukhata gnukhata svn: XML data was not well-formed [lawgon@xlquest ~]$ svn co http://gnulinux.in/article/learning- subversionsvn/gnukhata1 gnukhata svn: XML data was not well-formed