Dinesh A. Joshi wrote:
Dinesh Shah wrote:
I am using Airtel Broadband for quite some time. No serious complaints. I am using 256 Kbps unlimited plan. (please be adviced on Goofy Fair use policy of Airtel Broadband).
Care to explain the "goofy" fair use policy?
Airtel has a policy that they have set up which provides that if you are among the top users or cross some specified data limit, they will put you on a much slower plan for the rest of the month. So if you have a 8mbps unlimited plan and in 15 days you use up certain bandwidth / data transfer, they will shift you to 256kbps for the rest of the month (though you will continue to be charged for 8mbps unlimited plan).
I know of this as some friends of mine asked me to sign an online petition to TRAI against Airtel policy.
Airtel may be available on your area. You have to check with them.
BTW I hate Airtel. They were in my neighborhood but those idiots didn't lay their cables in our building. Why? Because they didn't have a stupid junction box.
The problem is not with the junctionbox. The actual issue is that if you do not have a certain number of users in your building, the will not bother to lay the cables to that building.
- Dinesh