On Wed, 27 Aug 2003, Mitul Limbani spake thusly:
Hi Sachin,
you have office machine as AMDK6 and at home its P2.. so i think you need to recompile the kernel for x86 architecture.
Both the AMD and Intel machines are x86 architechure. Generally kernels which come with installations are compiled generic 686 -- they should work with both PII and K6 upwards.
I am not 100% sure if this is the case with RH but I think it is a safe bet. Debian kernels are generic 386 compiled AFAIK.
But if you had a kernel problem it would have resulted in kernel panic. I think the problem may be with an incomplete/damaged install or as a long shot a currupt partition table.
It would help if you provide detailed information, steps you carried out and error messages you got.
The exisiting kernel doesnt get loaded on to memory, i faced similar problems while i tried to install linux on a P4 and then move the HDD on a P100 machine.
A P100 is a P I machine -- 586. P4 is 686.
Re-Compiling the Kernel is the only option and solution.
Best Regards, Mitul Limbani
Quoting Sachin Rase sachinr@unitek.co.in:
Dear Luggies ,
I have tried Grub (as per default) and then Lilo and also XOSL but same thing . Lilo Showed me the error Boot Error . Also When I tried to boot from win98 OS using Loadlin it showed me surprising the installation procedure again . and if i continue it . It asked me again for Installation Media.
you may have an incomplete/currupt install.
I have Successfuly installed "RedHat Linux 9.0 " on same HDD at my office . but it fails at Home .