2010/12/2 Kshitiz kshitij_kotak@hotmail.com:
Thank you for your efforts and help. I am pasting my code which gives me syntax error unexpected end on line 17. Need help with why and correction? Am missing something and cant figure out what?
Quite obviously. The right way to ask for help debugging shellscripts is to run it with "bash -x script.sh", copy/paste the entire output to pastebin.com or something and then post a link here.
ps -ef | grep 'rsync' | grep -v 'grep rsync'| grep -v 'rsync.sh'> /dev/null
Wtf is all this?? Haven't heard of pidof(1)?
Even if you don't have pidof, you could do:
ps -ef | grep '[r]sync'
and get rid of that pipeline of greps.