On Mon, 18 Aug 2003, suhas prabhu spake thusly:
Hello Friends,
I am new to the group and xcited about it. I am a newbie to Linux using it since last Five Months. I have problem at hand. I have installed Knoppix 3.2 and RH 9.0 on a single HDD. Knoppix uses LILO and RH uses GRUB by default as the bootloader. I installed Knoppix first on /dev/hda1 with LILO in the MBR. After that while installing RH on /dev/hda3 the Knoppix OS was not detected as the second OS. So I added a Entry called Knoppix and partition as /dev/hda1.
If you install RH later then simply choose not to configure the boot loader at the time of insatll. Then boot into Knoppix and add another entry in the lilo.conf which points to the RH install partition.
Grub and LILO are parallel -- we can have only one of them at a time.