On Tuesday 24 October 2006 15:39, Dinesh Shah wrote:
Software radical Richard Stallman helped build the Linux revolution. Now he threatens to tear it apart.
Asshole author who does not know the abc of what he is trying to pontificate about. The gplv3 prevents a distributor from preventing users excersing the rights guranteed under gplv2. It does not prevent the service provider from preventing use of his services if the user changes the default blob. where is the question of violating others copyrights. The gplv3 also explicitly prevents using of patents against any recipient of gplv3 code. If the crooks who use GNU feel otherwise they are welcome to spend a zillion in rolling their own stuff and see if their business survives.
And btw forbes is yet another M$ schill. Similiar articles published in the past few yrs - including complete support for SCO (the author was dan lyons afair) - would fill a couple of pages.
Seems to me Vista is in line for another quarter delay.