in my office, i connect to a RedHat gnu/linux m/c through telnet (actually through a software called "putty", which uses telnet as the underlying communication protocol). the initial welcome/login screen shows the following msg: Red Hat Linux release 7.2 (Enigma) ^^^ Kernel 2.4.7-10 on an i686
but the contents of "/proc/version" are: Linux version 2.4.7-10 (<some email id>) (gcc version 2.96 20000731) (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-98) #<today's date> ^^^
any convincing explanation to the above weirdity, would be greatly appreciated.
also, i have a small question, which is related to the above query (actually, it might solve the above absurdity ;-) ) does the file "/proc/version" change (or is updated) at every reboot (or some other convinient time interval). i.e. if i change the entry in "/proc/version" to make it RHL 7.2, will it stay like that forever (or until someone changes it), or will it get rectified at the next reboot? also where does the display shown at login time come from?
thanks for all the help!