Sometime on Sun, Feb 26, 2006 at 07:35:42PM +0000, Sanket Medhi said:
What I am trying to do is use the index.php to act as the front page of the site, as well as be able to handle queries using the GET method. For example, http://localhost/index.php?search=somestring should work as well. That is, there might or might not be a query string. All I want to know is whether such a query string exists or not. And if yes, what is(are) the parameter(s) (in this case, search is the parameter).
$_GET is an array which keeps track of query string, not a method.
<?php if ($_GET) print_r($_GET); else echo "There is no query string"; ?>
You could then access individual elements in query string by using echo $_GET['search'];