imli, IML , blah blah I have read every damn thing on there site .I am a small time linux and font enthusiast and have heard enough about this simputer in the media. So I down loaded all the stuff I could get from there site , wen't and met one of the profs in the CSA dept IISc bangalore who is supposed to have done work on it. Sorry to say but when I compare the design of simputer with visor or Palm PC I find it lacking , primitive and not "very" scalable. I am here to critisize there X implementation , font rendering , and this IML thing is totally lacking in harmony with anything else. If you have to make a group of simputers work to help people you will have to rewrite hazzar stuff in Palm market (which is even open source) . I agree with mayuresh that a group of engineers can't make something worth the hype of simputer . In its present design simputer is useless piece of silicon.
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