On Thursday 06 January 2011 15:13:34 Shamit Verma wrote:
In mobile world, there is not escaping MS things. MS was doing
in 1998 when no one else was, thats why Windows CE technologies like FAT32/OBEX/ActiveSync are well entrenched in this market. Everyone
Factually incorrect. Windows CE was launched in 2000. And devices using it appeared in 2000. This was a phoneless PDA. It was preceeded by many other vendors, including Casio and HP.
There were several phone pdas prior to microsoft, with the earliest one being Simon from IBM AT&T in 92.
These were preceeded by Epson PX series of "laptops" with a landline modem in 1983. I have a PX4 purchased in 1985.
As usual M$ ia an also ran, trying to plug it's crappy stuff. The O2 line which appeared around 2002 had the bsod builtin, with a new twist. It would fry you if you did not unplug the battery when the bsod appeared. Included for free such hilarous stuff as trying to get the damned thing out of your pocket in a crowded kalyan local, before it fried your balls.