On 12/11/05, Rony Bill ronbillypop@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
Thanks. I tried this but it gives bhai root access without typing the command sudo. Eg. Bhai was able to vi /etc/passwd without sudo. This is too risky. At least he must have to use sudo. After removing the line, if bhai gives sudo vi /etc/passwd then a password is asked. Root passwd does not work. Should I create a passwd for sudo as if it is a user?
In the above case, how different is the user bhai's full access to the system different from a root login's access? Where is sudo's safety factor? This is getting interesting. :)
what do you want to do with sudo?
remove the bhai line then, I added it myself to make a user access commands without password.
I pasted Mysudofile+bhai line
sudo gives you privileges like su -c "command"
in su -c, you have to type in the root password in sudo, you are checked in by sudoers file, if you exist in that file you can access what the file gives you to access by typing your own password and not the root password.
I tried bhai line on my computer, it only gives "bhai" read-only access to /etc/passwd