On Tuesday 13 July 2010 05:24:27 Pratik Anand wrote:
I am referring to the much-longed arrow key navigation in normal mode (not in presentation mode). Why to go for pgup/pgdown for it.
And, the design and orientation change issue, I am referring to, is not only limited to pptx but in office 2003 formats too.... What kind of document specification you want?
M$office does not publish specifications without an NDA, which amongst other things claims Patent rights on all sorts of rubbish. When you read an expalnation of a patented technology (well actually anything abouta patented technology) you are debarred from implementing that technology and are liable to several times higher liabilities as a deliberate infringement. So think very carefully before reading an M$ spec - you will be barred from using your brians on those parts of the tech.
i have been involved in making more and more ppl in my college to use OO than going for pirated MS Office (or asking themm to shift to Linux because OO exists), So, these are some of the weak points of OO I have found myself. Once college gets open, I can give you a much bigger list based on large user experience. But I am not much worrying about it as OO ppl are doing an impressive job of improving the software but not implementing a simple feature which saves lots of time is a strange thing (read above).
Afaik you can simply reassign shortcut keys anyway.
Regarding imitation of M$ formatting, M$ has not been able to document their rubbish for doc files, even when faced with the ignominy of being discarded as a standard, on the grounds of ERRONEOUS and INSUFFICIENT DOCUMENTATION . Instead they choose to go on global manupilation and mud slinging spree (including calling Prof. Pathak of IIT biased). This after massive efforts by very many pragmatists to actually help M$ identify and ironout the shortcomings. As a final parting kick to all their supporters they have abandoned their own ECMA standard - no further improvements or bug fixes.
Moral of the story: never waste your resources on anything M$, your efforts will be relgated to the scrap heap.
As an aside there was this crazy announcement by M$ about a patented battery tech which can be plugged both ways. Ease of use they called it. Hope they stick to mucking about in software.