Sometime on Dec 24, Vijay Joaquim Stevens assembled some asciibets to say:
So how do I go about writing a howto - ie is there a specific format?
I think others have replied with relevant links, you could read them, but I generally find it easier to write the howto first, and then make it conform to standards.
This is my nano-Howto-Howto:
Title by Author v x.y.z, date
Three line summary
1. About this document
1.1 Copyright ...
1.2 Discalaimer ...
1.3 Feedback/contacting the author ...
1.4 Where to get the latest version ...
2. Introduction Describe the problem here
3. Solution Describe possible solutions, as well as your solution here
4. Further configuration specific configuration that may be required in special cases, or based on special user requirements
5. Acknowledgements
6. References
7. Further reading