On Sun, 21 Jan 2007 01:50:31 +0530 (IST), Philip Tellis said:
Sometime on Jan 20, Manoj Srivastava assembled some asciibets to say:
Fix your client for the last time or stop quoting me!
If you would point out what exactly is broken, I would be happy to oblige. Seems like my MUA is correctly generating the attribution.
Your MUA is using his email address as the attribution rather than his name. Since pipermail only filters out email addresses from the header, that means that you're effectively putting his email address up on the net for everyone to see.
Heh. SO it is not my MUA that is broken, but some strange phobia about letting ones email loose. I guess I am too used to real world mailing lists, like lkml, debian, and the fsf, to think it could be a quaint little reason like this.
Change your quoting style to use sender's name rather than email.
I'll consider it. Really, tell me, what in his behaviour towards me leads you to think I should grant him the favour of this concession?
manoj who can be reached at srivasta.ieee.org, srivasta@acm.org, srivasta@computer.org, srivasta@golden-gryphon.com, and srivasta@debian.org