- Sometimes it shows error: Nautilus has no
installed viewer
capable of displaying "/boot/grub/stage1" (or any
other file)
no clue
it means there is no default viewer/player associated with the file type kinda like the setting from "folder options" in windows eg: an html file would be associated with IE. u can right click on the file and select the open with tab where u will have to select the proper app or give the path to an unlisted app
- As in windows we have Norton Anti-Virus
software. What about
Linux. Any other software from where can I get
it? Any website!
there are no viruses (none reported / documented so far) so why will ppl write / sell antivirus.
there are indeed virii for linux (see it's as popular as windows ;-))only not as harmful as their windows counterpparts as you cannot execute certain scripts without root priveleges (be careful as root) and yes there are anti virii for Linux most of which come bundled as a part of some commercial mail server i don't exactly remember the name .google can help u
===== ninad purohit ninadonline(at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)in have a nice day :-)
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