Just curious, I know distro wars are bad, and well alot of people just say use what best suits you, I am just curious if anyone has had first hand experience between the 2. And if so which would be a more "debian" /apt way to go. And also have a nice clear interface to deal with out of the box, not to mention the support and ease of use.
A friend of mine is strongly considering moving away from all MS products. So much so he sold his xbox 360 and has been collecting for a while to be able to buy the ps3. I told him if hes loading up linux on his ps3, he might as well get the exposure on his desktop. After all, that baby will smoke his current AMD 2000.
So which distro would you guys suggest and between those 2 and if you have a specific reason why, would be nice so i can tell him. Also if i could grab a DVD off someone (maybe couriered) would be nice. Else I could just download it and have it in a week.
Thanks, Satish