I got Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) CD . When i boot the live CD on my laptop , i get the option screen where we have options to start or install ubuntu , start in safe graphics mode etc... When i select 'start or install ubuntu', i get the usual splash screen , then a screen that shows all the drivers getting loaded etc.. , then when it reaches the stage where the desktop is to be loaded , i get a mouse pointer for a while and then the whole screen goes blank . The desktop does not load. Ive tried the following things but none of them worked :
1) I tried using vga=771 as a boot option .
2) I tried booting in safe graphics mode , but the same thing happened.
My video card is Via Chrome9 HC IGP . Also, i dont have an alternate CD.
I was able to get to the desktop with Ubuntu 6.06(Dapper Drake). So,is this an issue of Ubuntu 7.10 with Via Chrome9 HC IGP video card ?. Also, any way it can be resolved ?.
Thanks a lot.
Regards, Raza. "Don't tell me the sky is the limit, there are footprints on the moon !!"
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