hi all came across an interesting article which says argues that its unfair to call most of the gnu/linux distros "gnu/linux" http://atulchitnis.net/writings/gnulinux.php the author is atul chitnis, who else... the veiws expressed are not mine, so plz dont flame me gurpreet
Gurpreet Singh
I decided to ask the man himself on this topic and here is what he said
I will send mail to fetch the contents of that page, but knowing Atul Chitnis, I would guess he is arguing against the term "GNU/Linux", using arguments whose fallacies are rather transparent. I have seen him do that before.
I suggest you look at http://www.gnu.org/gnu/gnu-linux-faq.html and see how it deals with the arguments Chitnis makes. If you see an argument that isn't handled in gnu-linux-faq.html, could you let me know? <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
I've not got thru the link completely but this question answers the issue.