On Sat, 16 Nov 2002 23:13:44 -0500 Bhargav Bhatt wrote:
Regarding distributions, i think Redhat would win my vote. The main reasons would be
- Extensive Hardware Support
Goes for about any distribution.
- RPM (It was built on RH) - Numerous applications available
for install via RPM
Goes for about any distribution - RPMs are now part of LSB and the full-form is now RPM Package Manager.
- Up2date
RedCarpet, APT (yes, it does RPMs too), Portage.
- More online help forums for RH than any other distro. (also
a very helpful IRC channel). 5) Very easy to work with, especially after bluecurve (I am not supportive of their idea of degrading KDE in the process of Unifying it with GNOME. However, the result is indeed quite beautiful) 6) Automatic Installation of New Kernel via up2date
Point 5 is agreeable.
hindrance. But from the newbie point of view, features like Auto-Kernel update are very very helpful.
Newbie, maybe. But if the newbie is a home user, s/he would typically not bother about kernel upgrades and can also do well without it, till the next version comes.
IMHO, most of us like to keep abreast with the latest versions of products as they come but a typical home user would not like to bother about weekly updates, even with the options of easy updating programs. Most of the home users also sign an AMC with the vendor and it will be enough for the vendor to procure the latest distro and update the clients' PCs once in 6 months.