Request some help in PHP programming.... How to code in the following situation....
Req.: Have an array of Name & surname & Client_code. Need to print a list without LISTING PEOPLE WITH SIMILAR "NAME & "SURNAME" IN THE ARRAY more than once.
Eg. 1: name1 : surname1 : client1 2: name2 : surname2 : client2 3: name3 : surname3 : client3 4: name1 : surname1 : client4 5: name5 : surname5 : client5 6: name2 : surname3 : client6
In the above example, record 1 & 4 are same guys. And I have to list them only once.
What I have done so far is....
for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) { printf ($name[$i] . $surname[$i] . " manages " . $client[$i] \n"); } // end $i
But this prints same people multiple times...
Pls help. Pls do not suggest changing variables etc etc... Thx Poonam.
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