On Monday 15 October 2007 12:16, Gabin Kattukaran wrote:
I am intrigued by this line of argument.
IMHO its still ages away from being equivalent to Adobe Illustrator. But a great tool anyways.
Do you have Adobe Illustrator for linux? You dont? Which means that Adobe Illustrator is not even ready leave alone being the equiv of Inkscape. Which by the way also runs natively on M$ wormware.
Does application 'X' run on platform 'Y'? If it does, it is better by default. It does not matter what features or capabilities are supported by 'X'. So, if we each write a 4 line hello_world.c, and yours is compiled to run on Windows and mine on Linux, then my hello_world.c is better than yours?
Precisely not. The mistake that the op and many others in this thread are making is trying to compare one set of tools with another set of tools without an inkling of the motives, goals and design criteria. Having similiar features to "MY favourite shitty app" is no comparison at all.
So by the same measure just slightly skeweing the metrics results in his lovely app becoming not ready at all.
If so, can someone list out the order in which the various platforms endow their superiority on applications?
Hope the rest get your point ;-)
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