On Saturday 10 December 2005 10:22, Mukund Deshmukh wrote:
Any idea about I/o pins? 8 LED pins are output pins. Any idea about other I/o pins?
No. will check. I think i should buy one more dsl 502t. I have to take down the connection dig in then reconnect. If something goes wrong i will be marooned. Besides i am going to replace the flash with a larger one.
If we can find out I/o port (SPI, I2C etc or general i/o) this could become a Linux based low cost video camera. Just a thought....
We should be able to figure the pinout. I have 8MB strata flash chips. Unfortunately they are 56 pins and the adsl has 48 pins (4MB max). Next to check the usb.
Frustrated with no information about CPU, I have started working on ARM processor(Phillips, Atmel cost less than Rs.500) , and trying to port linux to it.
Ready ports are already available for ARM and MIPS. The fun is using COTS hardware so that u dont have to stock or build custom stuff every few months, particularly for trying out crazy schemes (like net controlled fish aquarium or wireless streamer without a pc).