On 1 April 2013 09:01, Shamit Verma subs.linux.mum@vshamit.com wrote:
One way to do that is to use a USB Hard disk enclosures that requires AC
Similarly, you can attach a cheap / spare router (would cost 400 - 900 Rs) to AC mains and check reach-ability of this router
Pretty nifty ideas. My office LAN has two servers, a switch and a Wifi box. The former three are on UPS but the last isn't, so one would think that I could use it for this purpose. But no, I have trained my staff to power off the Wifi box when leaving for the day. I need to evaluate whether to "untrain" them or plan something else, but along these lines (we are getting a printer next week which I don't plan to put on UPS, perhaps it would be a good candidate).
Thanks for all the suggestions, folks.