On Wednesday 05 July 2006 01:47, Devdas Bhagat wrote:
On 05/07/06 01:07 +0530, Steven Joseph wrote:
Hi ,
I'd be more than happy to volunteer for this, I have not used these tools but i have sound knowledge of the ubuntu system.
Please stop top posting. I suspect though that someone with more
sorry bout that
experience in those tools would be better in this particular case. A Scribus/GIMP expert would be more suited to answer questions than an Ubuntu expert (since this is going to be a rather distro independent issue).
I suspected the same ... in any ways an opportunity to help in migration to linux is some thing that i'm all enthu about ... I've been pushing ubuntu to some of my colleagues ... got a bunch of cds left to distribute.
-- Life would have been a lot easier if we could look at the source code.