Dear Shakthi,
On 12/22/06, Shakthi Kannan wrote:
I always go to the following hospital in Chennai:
Dr.Mehta's Nursing Home 21, M Nichols Road, Chennai 600 031 Tamil Nadu, India
... not only because they use FOSS for their databases, and hospital operations.
May be you could get more info about FOSS tools they are using?
I have seen KDE on the LCDs in the reception centers. I think they use postgresql for handling large patient databases, and firefox browser interface.
Are they using fat clients or thin clients?
For such operations, I would consider curses interface much simpler and faster over GUI forms. For ease of use and interoperability, web based app is the best.
I am yet to get in touch with the IT services company that is taking care of this hospital.
Please get in touch with them ASAP. One must learn from mistakes of others. ;-)
Will look forward to more inputs With regards,