On Sat, 28 Feb 2004 18:43:09 +0530 (IST), "Philip S Tellis" philip.tellis@gmx.net said:
Sometime Today, Rohit assembled some asciibets to say:
Now my problem is that i have installed windows 98 first then win xp then windows 2000 with boot options of all three.I installed debian woody 3 on hda8 and then redhat linux 9 on hda9.Now after installing redhat linux 9
The boot loader for all these partitions would have been in the master boot record, which was overwritten when you installed grub. I don't think there's an easy solution for this. The best would be to boot linux through the Win 2000 boot loader.
How do i do that,what addition do i have to make in windows 2000 boot loader and how do i make it default bootloader.Do i have to uninstall grub. I have important applications on windows OS.which i cannot afford to loose and cant install again. Suggest me some solution.
Regards Rohit
-- Work is the curse of the drinking classes. -- Mike Romanoff