jtd wrote:
On Wednesday 01 August 2007 20:58, Rony wrote:
What will help is practical case reports on _small_ offices that have started doing all their M$ based tasks alternatively in Linux. Here is the list below.
You are mixing different classes of desktops. the hardware for the graphics artist is completly different from that for the ca (or should be). Break down your market by user (ca, law firm, dtp, etc) and see what the requirements are. what we are trying to do is breakdown the market as much as possible because the strength of GNU/linux is customisation.
I haven't touched upon the hardware part. All I would like to know is actual case reports about small offices that were doing their work earlier in doze and later migrated everything to GNU/Linux.
The details I am looking for are.... softwares previously used in doze, file formats used for them, softwares used to do the same work in Linux, file formats used in Linux and how data was migrated from doze to Linux.
I am assuming that softwares used for GNU/Linux were ready ones that could be downloaded from the net.