Hi Pradeepto and all GSoC followers. I have to comment on this, rather critically.
On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 10:48 AM, Pradeepto Bhattacharya pradeeptob@gmail.com wrote:
almost taken for granted in KDE GSoC. Knowledge of Qt/KDE/PyQt framework and programming is a definite ( huge ) plus. If you are
This is OK.
already a contributing code to some KDE application, firstly you r0ck, nextly you did yourself a huge favour and have HUGE PLUS-PLUS :). It also works if you have been sending in patches regularly. So if you
This is NOT. I've seen this kind of "optional requirements" A LOT and I have to totally disagree with them. By encouraging such "PLUSes" you guys are NOT encouraging new entrants but rather encouraging the already contributing members to earn a quick buck. I know its great to have people contribute and when money is involved it becomes even better. But by adding such PLUSes to your "requirements" applicants who are willing to learn BUT dont have experience are thrown out and downright discouraged. This is not the point of GSoC and the whole reason it was started for.
Don't take this personally. This has been my observation one times too many and had to share it with everyone!