On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 8:10 PM, Puneet Lakhina puneet.lakhina@gmail.com wrote:
I use an eclipse plugin called Mylyn [1]. Mylyn allows me to group my work into tasks (integrates with things like Bugzilla, trac etc.)[2]. The best thing that Mylyn provides is that it creates separate contexts for each of these tasks. The context influences what I see in a particular eclipse view. So for example, in the file explorer view in eclipse, I only see files that I have changed while working in this context. Additionally it also influences the auto suggest options.
In all honesty, I would find that irritating at best. If I want to open a file in my editor of choice, for example, all I do is press Ctrl-Alt-O and type a few characters of the file I'm searching for. Almost instantaneously I'm shown a list of files within the current directory that match the pattern and I just pick one (it's usually at the top) to edit. I find this to be much faster than browsing a file tree.
The context feature works great when you have to frequenly switch between tasks. It allows you to get back into the mode for solving a particular task.
I was wondering if something similar for the shell would be useful. It could for example alter the history to only have the commands that you used in the context of working on a paritcular task. It could maybe even set up env accordingly.
How about multiplexing the terminal? Use screen for that. Each 'screen' acts as a context.