<quote> An anonymous reader writes "Here are the links to the as-yet-unreleased judgement in the Microsoft case by CKK: Final Decree[1], Memorandum Opinion[2], Public Interest Order[3], Opinion on the State Settlement[4], State Settlement Order[4]." In brief: Kollar-Kotelly accepts the settlement that the Federal Gov't and some states wanted, but she wants a minor change to it; and she has decided the case which was pursued by the other states as well, mostly ordering Microsoft to refrain from certain behaviors with regard to the user-visible desktop. Overall: a massive win for Microsoft, who can restrict the release of its APIs to major commercial companies only. </quote>
[1] http://www.dcd.uscourts.gov/Opinions/2002/Kotelly/FinalDecree.pdf [2] http://www.dcd.uscourts.gov/Opinions/2002/Kotelly/Lit11-1.pdf [3] http://www.dcd.uscourts.gov/Opinions/2002/Kotelly/PubIntOrd.pdf [4] http://www.dcd.uscourts.gov/Opinions/2002/Kotelly/StateSettlement.pdf [5] http://www.dcd.uscourts.gov/Opinions/2002/Kotelly/Statesord.pdf
An Anonymous Reader on newsforge.com sums it up as "If the Beltway sniper could get the same judge, they will be told not to do it again and be given a new box of cartridges."