Its not debatable. Grub reads from 0 whereas /dev/hdxn begins from a1. So (hd0,0) for grub is /dev/hda1 and (hd0,8) is /dev/hda9.
Mehul had accidentally made a typo. Do go through the link I had posted. It clears a lot of doubts. :)
I *know* grub counts from zero but it showed me (hd0,9)==/dev/hda10...... As far as the link is concerned,already bookmarked.......
Nope, it's for all partitions.
I thought so too,I've never come across anything in my *short* history of using Linux where Grub used different rules for counting partitions depending on their type.....
How did you realize that the boot partition was corrupt? I'm asking
since you said that fsck came out clean.
*embarrassed smile* I guessed...since a removal and remake(which included format) resolved the problem.........
Regards, Easwar PS:Where can I find the *real* reason....I mean which logs should I refer?