We use debian distro extensively.
& the gateway addrs. (in rhl, a simple "setup" cmd, ran as the root, works the magic). also plz let me know if ne other thing needs 2 b done 2 configure the ethernet card.
inorder to configure ethernet card on debian systems we modify the file /etc/networks/interfaces
the lines should look something like this auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address (static ip address of the m/c) network (your n/w address) netmask (n/w netmask) broadcast (n/w broadcast address) gateway (n/w gateway address)
after you edit the file in above manner restart networking services by typing following command /etc/init.d/networking restart
also i don't know how 2 change the screen res frm 800x600 to 1024x768
to change screen resolution. run command "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86" answer all the questions choose appropriate resolution when asked for. and then restart your display manager using command /etc/init.d/gdm restart ^^^ if you are using "gnome" use "gdm" if you are using "kde" use "kdm" instead if you are using "some thing" else try with "xdm"
You will have to be root to do all the above.
<WARNING> make sure you are logged out before giving the last command. other wise you will loose all the windows that are open as this command will restart your x session. </WARNING>
Hope this solves your problem